Among Us


Among Us

Release Date:2018-06-15

Join your crewmates in a multiplayer game of teamwork and betrayal!

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Among Us Review

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  • 8.5
  • 8.5
  • 9
  • 9
  • 9
  • 9

Concept 8.5/10

This game is a multiplayer video game. This game is based on a background in space. Players will act as crew members or invaders. Of these two, players can choose one of them. The two roles are attacking and defending. The goal of the crew in the game is to find the intruder and complete the task. The goal of the intruder is to kill all the crew without being found. This game tests the player’s intelligence very much. This is the most different game, the most letting Players find it unexpected, they can find ways from the game to achieve these different goals and get the final victory of the game!

Graphics 8.5/10

The screen in this game adopts the style of similar elements and adopts the effect of cartoon animation. The theme color in the game is gray series. In the game, gray is the main body. There are also many facilities in the game. The large-length green series, the most outstanding composition in the game, should be the character members belonging to the player. In the game, each character is given a completely different color by the player. The player can clearly and clearly in the game. It’s not only the color to see your character, but the name of the player’s character is on top of each character. This setting allows the player to discover and find their own character from the perspective of the viewer. In addition to the player's actions, it also allows the player to receive information and control more quickly.

Sound 9/10

The sound of this game is one of the highlights of this game. The sound of this game uses a unique sound effect simulation, but the player can clearly hear the voice of the small partner, full of a lot of fun, let Players can understand the meaning very well, even just judging from the business. In the game, every time the player shoots down or destroys one of them, the player will hear different sounds. This player has a good understanding. The player is playing In the game, you will gain a lot of understanding, so that players can really quickly integrate into the game!

Playability 9/10

This game is a multiplayer game that supports 4-10 players. In the game, 1-3 players will be randomly selected to play the invaders, and the rest will play the crew. The game has three maps: spaceship, headquarters building and planet base. The crew has to complete tasks on the map in the form of mini games, including maintenance of important systems, such as rewiring or refueling the engine. The intruder will get a false task list to mix with the crew, and the intruder can identify other intrusions The identity of the player and the ability to destroy the map system, pass through the vents and kill the crew, if the player dies, they will become ghosts. Ghosts have the ability to pass through walls, but they can only continue to interact on the map in a limited way. Except for the dead players who become ghosts, no other players can see the ghosts. Except for ghosts, all players can only see a limited distance.

Entertainment 9/10

The crew needs to complete all the tasks, or find and eliminate all the invaders to win, while the invaders need to kill a certain number of crew members to make the remaining number equal to the number of invaders or destroy the countdown to win. The ghost is to assist the crew as a crew. Or the intruder’s teammates complete the task or perform sabotage. When the intruder conducts sabotage, it will either have an immediate effect, turn off all lights, or start the countdown. If the crew does not resolve before the end of the countdown, all crew members will die. Interesting games will surely give you the best unique experience and enjoyment!

Replay 9/10

If a player finds a corpse, he can immediately report and force all players to participate in a group meeting, and vote for the suspected intruder. The voting is based on a relative majority system. The player with the highest number of votes will immediately die and become a ghost. Players can also Press the "Emergency Meeting" button on the map at any time to hold a meeting. The game is to chat through text. Only alive players can communicate during the meeting, while ghosts can only communicate between ghosts. The game provides various customization options , Such as the field of view and emergency meeting button. There are many items to choose from in the game, such as space suit colors, skins, hats, and pets. For the fun, I believe players can deeply appreciate its charm during the game!

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Among Us

There is a hero among us. Picked up the gun and became a crazy gunman. Came to the city to start a desperate duel with the enemy. Click on the building window on the left to avoid bullets and shoot the enemy on the right!
