Chess Free


Chess Free

Release Date:2011-09-16

Tired of chess apps that look like they were made in 1982? Download Chess Free!

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Chess Free Review

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Complete and professional reviews of the games are our top priority. All our writers are ready to fully immerse themselves in a game to be reviewed. A full dip takes 20 hours to play.

  • 8.5
  • 8
  • 8.5
  • 8
  • 8.5
  • 8.5

Concept 8.5/10

It was a really good match. If you are a true chess fan, you will know that this game will never go out of style. We all know that chess has a long history. There are many chess lovers in the world. So, if you really like playing chess, you will have great fun playing this game. If you just want to improve your chess skills, this game will also provide the perfect platform for you.

Graphics 8/10

If you like, you can also invite your best friend to play chess with you. It's so much fun to play with your friends. You'll also love the large selection of 3D boards and accessories. So what are you waiting for? It's time to start your chess career. If you are a true chess lover, you will love this game at first sight. You will love its human style and you will be attracted by the exquisite pieces.

Playability 8/10

You can play this game proactively. You can even make some radical moves in the open. Your ultimate goal is to win. Sometimes things get dangerous for you. Not all the time. But you'll also have a lot of fun along the way. You have to find a balance between defense and attack. You can't always destroy your opponent's pawn by losing your bishop or castle. You must always get the maximum benefit at the lowest cost. So it's up to you to come up with some perfect strategies. Then you should always try your best to make the best moves. You should make sure that the bishop will do his job, and the castle will protect your queen. You can't sacrifice your bishop for anything. By playing this game, you will also learn a lot about your life. You will learn the art of sacrifice and gain. At the same time, it was important to ensure perfect cooperation between the king and queen.

Entertainment 8.5/10

If you are an observant person in your daily life, so much the better. If you can predict a chess player's next three or four moves, you'll be better able to catch your opponent's pieces. Either way, this game is great for your chess strategy. It is also a great tool for you to improve your chess skills. If you really like chess, you should not miss this golden opportunity to improve your chess skills by competing against players from all over the world. There are 12 floors in all. If you're not an expert, you can start at a lower level. So this game is perfect for beginners as well. If you don't know anything about chess, if you don't know anything about chess, you can also get a basic understanding of chess by playing this game.

Replay 8.5/10

There are two modes of play. The first mode is the casual mode. This mode allows you to have some free time to play chess without any special purpose. Even if you have no chess experience, you can enjoy the beauty of chess by playing this game. You don't need to worry about your chess skills as there is a very thoughtful chess tutor, which means the system will display a recommended piece to move, which is also very good to develop your chess strategy and avoid simple mistakes. If you are an expert, you can try professional mode. By trying the career mode, you will have a very exciting experience because you will find a lot of good players who are really good at chess. You can learn a lot of different moves from these players. You will be surprised at their excellent chess skills.

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