FIFA Soccer


FIFA Soccer

Release Date:2016-10-10

Build your Ultimate Team and compete against others with all-new gameplay.

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FIFA Soccer Review

Meet Our Authors

Complete and professional reviews of the games are our top priority. All our writers are ready to fully immerse themselves in a game to be reviewed. A full dip takes 20 hours to play.

  • 9.5
  • 9.5
  • 9
  • 10
  • 8.5
  • 10

Concept 9.5/10

This is a sports game, this game maintains the pursuit of exaggeration, but not out of touch with reality, fast, but not monotonous, the pursuit of football smooth game experience.

Graphics 9.5/10

The picture of this game is like you are going through a ball game. The pictures are really wonderful.

Sound 9/10

The sound effect of this game is like a player in a football stadium, bringing you a surprising heart.

Playability 10/10

Players in the game can play real games on 11v11, and can also achieve a man-machine war, allowing you to experience the charm of football in it.

Entertainment 8.5/10

You can set up a Masters team and fully explore everyone's potential with an understanding of football.

Replay 10/10

I believe that players who love football will like this game very much, because this game will make you experience the pleasure of live football, so it is common to play this game over and over again.

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FIFA Soccer
