Mad GunZ - Battle R...


Mad GunZ - Battle Royale, online, shooting games

Release Date:2017-10-31

Cool online games, shooting games with battle royale! Taste the madness of FPS!

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Mad GunZ - Battle Royale, online, shooting games Review

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Complete and professional reviews of the games are our top priority. All our writers are ready to fully immerse themselves in a game to be reviewed. A full dip takes 20 hours to play.

  • 9.5
  • 9
  • 0
  • 9
  • 0
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Concept 9.5/10

Mad GunZ-Battle Royale, online, shooting games mobile games is a pixel style action shooting game, the game players use to fight weapons are a variety of animal weapons, using banana guns or hamster projectors to shoot opponents, the game is very diverse, interested players come to download it. Mad GunZ-Battle Royale, online, shooting games is a very fun multiplayer online shooting game, the picture of this game is pixel style, but the game is very interesting, you can choose to compete with other players or choose pve mode. The game tells the story of the protagonist waking up and being brought to a strange world by his cat. In this world, pets have become human weapons, your cat has also become your gun, and there are strange weapons such as dog handbags and lollipops. There are also many kinds of monsters in different worlds. You need to follow your cat to survive in this world.

Graphics 9/10

Completely unrealistic, but super beautiful pixel painting style! The most incredible gun-defeat the enemy with a handbag containing a puppy, a giant lollipop or a magic wand. Or just use. Cat hair shoot! Enemies from all kinds of best shootout games, shooters and online shooters, including zombies, crazy chicks and even a crazy octopus! It's more than that! Mad GunZ-Battle Royale, online, shooting games is one of the first online shootout games that let you see your feet!

Playability 9/10

Enter the game, click on the top of the "TAP TO GET UP", according to the game instructions to play the game. The game has three competitive modes: "MULTIPLAYER", "ARENA" and "CHALLENGE". In terms of character setting, custom character actions, skins and all kinds of strange headsets are supported. Weapons are also available, whether they are pistols, submachine guns, heavy weapons, and even oversized wave plate candy! Come and join me in the crazy shootout in the world, customize the funny characters, and explode the enemy with all kinds of strange weapons!

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Mad GunZ - Battle Royale, online, shooting games
