Move People


Move People

Release Date:2021-06-26

Make 'em move!

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Move People Review

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  • 8
  • 7.5
  • 7
  • 7.5
  • 8
  • 8.5

Concept 8/10

This is a very creative game. It's impossible to get bored of this game because there are so many mini-games to try. There are so many interesting things you can do in this new world. It feels good to control all the characters. At each level, you have the opportunity to control completely different characters. You can use these characters as puppets. You can control them and do whatever you want. To get the highest score at the end of each level, you'd better read the requirements first. Requirements are usually located at the top of the screen.

Graphics 7.5/10

You can see that on some levels, you need to control the character to play tennis. On one level, you have the opportunity to control two characters kissing each other. It feels good to be in control of the groom proposing to the bride. It's also fun to control the character to make various facial expressions. You can adjust the position of your character's eyebrows, hair, and nose to make your character show different emotions. You may become addicted to this game. You can try all the different things. You also have the opportunity to become a true hero by controlling your character to duel another character.

Playability 7.5/10

In this virtual world, you don't have to worry about security. No matter what you do, your character will not be harmed. So you're free to try all kinds of crazy things. Even if your character is injured, your character will heal. So you have the freedom to control your character's riding. Controlling your character to play different instruments is very exciting. If you are a person who secretly controls people and things around you, this game can satisfy your need for control. You feel a deep sense of satisfaction by controlling all these characters to do crazy things. They don't say anything about your control. You're the big boss here. No one can give you orders. If you don't meet your need to control your daily life, you will feel depressed from time to time. But after you've played the game, you'll have a golden opportunity to satisfy your deep inner need to control things.

Entertainment 8/10

The process of this game is really interesting. You will laugh at your character's funny gestures. In addition to these things, you can also control your character to do naughty things. For example, you can have your character skip a line. Of course, if you control your character to cut in line, other people in line will get very angry. But you'll enjoy yourself a lot in the process. You'll also notice how funny your character is when she moves forward or tries to skip lines. It feels good to try new things of different types.

Replay 8.5/10

You will enjoy it a lot in this game. This is a great opportunity to test how well you understand all the little things that can happen in everyday life. You will find that you are a careless person. When you live in this world, you miss a lot of details. But you don't have to worry. If you're willing to try it a few times, you'll eventually get it all done. Most importantly, by playing this game, you will successfully help your child form the habit of observing things. The process is completely unconscious and unintentional. You also automatically pay more attention to the details when you're doing chores or other small tasks in your daily life. So in a way, this game is also a great tool for developing your self-awareness!

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Move People
