Nail Salon 3D


Nail Salon 3D

Release Date:2020-11-09

Become a Manicure Master!

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Nail Salon 3D Review

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Concept 7/10

If you love getting your nails done, you shouldn't miss this game. Play this game and you will learn many tips to make your nails beautiful. It's impossible to get bored with this game because, in real life, you won't find that many nail shapes to polish your nail skills with. But in this game, there are a variety of nail shapes to choose from. So feel free to file your nails in different shapes. Paint your nails in different colors and you'll be happy.

Graphics 7/10

No matter what, you'll enjoy the whole process. It's great to give these nails different shapes, different colors and make them sparkle. You will feel a deep sense of satisfaction every time you finish your work without any mistakes. You must be very proud of yourself. If you want, you can also try to give your friends some perfect manicures to enjoy. They'll be amazed at how much you learn from playing this game.

Playability 7/10

Gameplay, you can play this game easily. You can follow the instructions and finish your work. Everything is natural. But the thing is, you can't rush it. If you apply too hard, you will hurt your clients. They will not be happy, which will be a disaster because it means you will lose profits and customers. It is important that clients trust your expertise. You should look at nails in the right light. It's not just about coloring your customer's nails. In fact, it is an artistic process. It can help your clients boost their confidence, and it will give your clients' lives a completely different color because of your perfect manicure. So it was all worth it. It's important to be patient and take your time with a client because if you polish your nails too fast, you can find that the surface of your nails can become bumpy. But if you want to do your nails slowly, you will find that the surface of your nails will become shinier. So you better do everything in your power to give your clients the perfect nails they want.

Entertainment 7.5/10

This is only a virtual game, there is no need to worry that you may make some mistakes. If you're not happy with your nails, you can always start over. But it is very important for you to serve your clients wholeheartedly. You must make sure that all your customers are satisfied with your work. Of course, if your performance is good enough, you will be rewarded handsomely. With the gold you earn, you can gradually upgrade your salon. Let you in the successful service customers at the same time, gradually upgrade your salon, get deep satisfaction. If you can provide your clients with a more comfortable environment and a fairly relaxed atmosphere, more and more clients will come to your salon. So, after you have earned enough gold, you must improve your salon from time to time. It's a good investment.

Replay 7/10

It's not just about blindly coloring nails. In fact, there is an art to making nails exquisite and beautiful. Otherwise, just pick a color and apply it to your nails, and you'll find the final result is tacky. That's probably the last thing you or your clients want. What are you waiting for? It's time to get started with your nails and learn some basic tips to perfect all the different shapes. You have to believe in yourself and you will eventually become a nail master. Your nail salon business will be boosted by your nail art talent. Explore the world of nails and you're sure to have a great time. Finally, if you don't have manicure experience in real life, you should try this game!

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