Need for Speed Most...


Need for Speed Most Wanted

Release Date:2012-10-29

Buckle up, hit the gas, and hold on tight; you’re in for the ride of your life!

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Need for Speed Most Wanted Review

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Complete and professional reviews of the games are our top priority. All our writers are ready to fully immerse themselves in a game to be reviewed. A full dip takes 20 hours to play.

  • 8
  • 6
  • 6.5
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  • 8
  • 8.5

Concept 8/10

It's a great racing game. There are so many fun things you can do with your favorite car in this open world. You can jump. You can take shortcuts; You can change buses. There are no restrictions of any kind. You are completely free. The most amazing thing is, you can try to fight the police. There is no law. So you can do whatever you want.

Graphics 6/10

Everything in the game is about different types of cars. Each car has its own unique skin, unique presentation, unique performance, and you have plenty of room to show off your driving skills like never before. There are no limits, no boundaries. You have a completely free platform designed for exciting racing. You can explore all kinds of things by entering races and coasting with other cars.

Playability 7/10

Now it's time to cruise the streets of downtown in your favorite new Lamborghini. Maybe you'll be attacked by the roar of an equally gorgeous Maserati. But you're willing to take on the challenge. A total of 153 vehicles are available. You just need to discover and explore them one by one. Actually, it's pretty simple. The most challenging part is Hot Pursuit. Here, you need to do everything you can to get to the top of the leaderboard.

Entertainment 8/10

It's important to follow your own pace and collect lots of rewards. You have to prove you'll be the best. So it's very important for you to choose the perfect car. It's a great feeling to drive your favorite car to the finish line and then suddenly turn around and knock out the guy coming at you. You definitely like that feeling of freedom when you don't have any other cars on the track. But there's no reason to overestimate your driving skills because you'll find a lot of players who are really good at driving and racing. The system automatically records all your scores, speeds, and times. So you can invite your best friends to compete together and see who is the best.

Replay 8.5/10

So if you like racing games, you should give yourself a try, because this game is completely different. You can experience the true charm of these famous cars. You'll have the opportunity to experience frenetic speed, intense combat, and aggressive drift. You feel like your blood is always boiling. If you are a car enthusiast and car chaser, this game will bring you the best racing experience. Everything was exciting in the game. You will enjoy driving a real car to suit your different tastes. You'll also have a map full of rich content. Now it's time to immerse yourself in the thrill of driving really, really fast. It's time to jump in your favorite car and go for it!

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Need for Speed Most Wanted
