Piano Fire: Edm Mus...


Piano Fire: Edm Music & Piano

Release Date:2020-09-18

Enjoy addictive Music Game of 2020. Electronic tiles dance with classical piano!

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Piano Fire: Edm Music & Piano Review

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Complete and professional reviews of the games are our top priority. All our writers are ready to fully immerse themselves in a game to be reviewed. A full dip takes 20 hours to play.

  • 7
  • 6.5
  • 7.5
  • 8
  • 7
  • 7.5

Concept 7/10

It's a great music game. This game will be a great test of your finger agility. At the same time, you have to react quickly when the music slides off the bottom of the screen because as soon as you miss a note, you need to start again. But in terms of skills, it's not that kind of challenge. All you have to do is hit those notes. You'll enjoy the process because it feels good to hit shiny blocks of music and make them disappear. You just want to sing one song at a time. Different songs can take you into a completely different world. It was very disappointing to start from scratch.

Sound 7.5/10

You will love this game because it contains beautiful songs in many different categories. You'll eventually find your favorite. If you want to get a high score, you'd better put your phone on a table or a flat platform, because you'll need your hands to hit those notes in a timely manner. It's hard for you to process all the notes with just one finger. Another technique is to follow the music. If you're already familiar with the song, then following the festival is not that challenging. If you can play a real piano, it's even better.

Playability 8/10

It's convenient for you to play this game. You can play it anywhere. The problem is, when you play this game, you can't be distracted because the notes don't wait for you. Once you shift your focus from the beat to something else, it's easy to miss the fall, which means you need to start from scratch. If you don't want to stop having fun, you'd better stay focused all the time. But if you want to put your heart and soul into this music game, you'll find that when you take an adventure in this music game, you'll feel like you're getting into these musical beats. The whole game is a collision of fire and ice. You will also be addicted to those pop and hit songs. Right now, you feel disconnected from the real world. You're in a very different world, full of notes that can take away all your worries and worries. When you finish a song, all you feel is relief and happiness. Most exciting of all, the game includes songs from different styles and genres. You are free to play any song you like. If you want to play something soft, you will feel all your nerves calm down. It feels like those beautiful notes are massaging every cell in your body. But if you want to try something exciting, you can play some fast songs with a different tempo. So it's impossible to get bored of the game because you'll find different styles of songs and you won't be pushed to complete any tasks. So the whole atmosphere was very relaxed. Plus, it's addictive to unlock all these beautiful songs one by one. You know, in the beginning, you're not allowed to play all the songs. You can only listen to three or four songs. But if you want to try other songs in different categories, you'll need to unlock them one by one, which means you can't make any mistakes because that's the only way you'll get enough gold to unlock all those songs.

Entertainment 7/10

If you are sensitive to the rhythm of the music, this game will not be difficult for you. But if you've never played a piano game like this, it's a little harder for you. It can be challenging to finish a song without missing a single note. But you should have faith in yourself. After you've played for a while, you'll eventually find your way to the end of your destination. No matter what happens, you should stay calm, because, at the climax of each song, you will see a lot of blocks falling at a very fast rate. You'll be in a hurry. But you have to manage to keep yourself in a steady-state and hit those notes one by one. You're sure to have a lot of fun along the way. Most importantly, this game can help you get rid of all your negative emotions. If you're in a bad mood right now, playing this music game is a very healthy thing for you. You will be completely immersed in this music world, forget everything. Your thoughts drift to a very distant world in time to the beat.

Replay 7.5/10

If you like playing piano games, you should try this one. It's so wonderful to keep hitting the tiles and enjoy the melody of the music. Once you become more and more accurate at hitting those notes, you are sure to feel a deep sense of satisfaction, no matter how fast they rush at you. At the same time, you feel like you're playing a real piano. You will also love cool and exquisite graphics. Finally, you should know that even with simple games, you will hardly become a piano master. So if you want to be a real piano master, you must be brave enough to accept all the challenges!

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Home / Music / Piano Fire: Edm Music & Piano

Piano Fire: Edm Music & Piano

Piano For Kids game has a lot of success review and player this MONTH that significantly improves overall game performance, especially on mobile phones. To play the game just touch the screen buttons if you use a mobile device .
