Trivia Crack Premiu...


Trivia Crack Premium

Release Date:2013-10-24

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Trivia Crack Premium Review

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  • 7.5
  • 7.5
  • 6.5
  • 7
  • 7.5
  • 8

Concept 7.5/10

This is an interesting puzzle. You'll have a good chance to answer a lot of interesting questions. If you like games about problems, you can play this game. You can also play the game with your friends if you want. Challenging your friends and other family members can be fun. If you can answer all the little questions without making any mistakes, you'll feel great! It's the perfect game to prove you're the smartest. There are multiple problems in this game. If you're a parent, you can also answer all the interesting questions with your child. In the process, you can help your child learn a lot about art, math, geometry, and languages.

Graphics 7.5/10

It's a very meaningful game. But you shouldn't underestimate the difficulty of the game. Even if you're an adult, you can't answer all the questions. Your knowledge base will be challenged. All these questions are on different topics. But if you have a basic knowledge of the different categories, you will be successful. If you are a musician, all the questions about music are not so difficult. But some questions remain hard to answer. There are also exciting characters representing different categories. In fact, the way these characters are designed is quite creative. It was amazing to collect all the character cards by successfully answering all the questions. So this is your chance to show the world that you really are smart. In the meantime, you can spin the wheel and let luck decide where to start your problem game. When you play this game, you will learn a lot about geography, math, history, and art. After you play this game, you will also know many countries and the capitals of these countries. The characters are also very cute. For example, when it comes to science, you meet Albert. When you select other categories, you will also encounter other characters, including physics, technology, chemistry, and mathematics. Hector will guide you as you make your mark on history.

Playability 7/10

You can also fight your opponent if you wish. This game is a great exercise for your brain. After playing this game, you will know many famous portraits and photos. You can easily tell the difference between Van Gogh and Monet. The whole experience was fun. Of course, not all the questions are about expertise. Sometimes, you'll also be asked about trivia, including characters in TV shows, movies, and video games. Sometimes, you will be asked for the name of a song. So music is involved. If you're a music lover, you'll be happy to answer all the questions. Sometimes it's easy for you to answer a question, especially if it's about a category you're interested in. But sometimes this can be a big challenge, especially if it involves a subject that is unfamiliar to you. When you don't know the category, you can guess.

Entertainment 7.5/10

You don't have to be too hard on yourself. You can study, play and have fun. In the process, you will learn many interesting facts. If you are a very capable player and can speak multiple languages, you can also demonstrate your language skills. The game is quite rich in content. Even if your performance isn't great, you can try the game by answering different questions. Once you've done well enough, you can try more challenging problems. It's obvious you're the boss. You are the only one who can spin the wheel and collect characters. If you can successfully defeat your opponent, you can also rob your opponent of characters. If you can exceed 6 characters, you will eventually win the contest. There are other unique features as well. For example, survival mode. If you can make it to the end, you are the winner. It feels great to beat everyone. There is also a single-player mode to challenge yourself. If you can successfully answer all the questions without stopping and breaking your own past records, you will feel great. If you're an impatient player who hates waiting your turn, you can try this mode because you can play at your own pace and enjoy all the questions, rather than rushing or waiting. If your performance is good enough, you will also win the biggest prize.

Replay 8/10

It's really fun to play this game with other family members during the holidays. You can see if you can get more correct answers than your friends and other family members. If you can be the head of the family, you will be very proud! You can also share your progress via popular social media if you wish. But if you can't find a true friend to play the game with, you can always play the game with random opponents and collect interesting character cards. All of these upgrades are important. You shouldn't ignore any power boost because it gives you an added advantage. You can use bombs to get rid of wrong answers. If you really have trouble finding the right answer, you can always jump to the next question. Even if you can't answer all three of these questions, you still have a chance. So there is no need for you to worry, you will always have another chance to continue your problem adventure. So what are you waiting for? It's time to challenge your friends and family in the hottest puzzle game of all time. It is available in more than 20 languages. There is absolutely no need for you to worry about language. When you play this game, you can also chat with your opponent. If you want to learn something while playing the game, you can play this game. It won't just be about having too much fun. Also, play this quiz to help you learn about different subjects!

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Trivia Crack Premium

TESTEZ VOTRE CULTURE GÉNÉRALE Invitez votre famille et vos amis à un quiz et montrez qui est le meilleur! REMUEZ VOS MÉNINGES Qui a dit que les jeux de questions/réponses étaient inutiles? Il y a toujours quelque chose de nouveau à apprendre avec Trivia Crack 2. Nous avons des milliers de questions incroyables pour vous! COLLECTIONNEZ DES PERSONNAGES Complétez les collections en amassant différents personnages sympathiques afin de gagner de nombreux prix! DEVENEZ UN EXPERT DES QUIZ Répondez aux questions de nos 6 catégories: - Art - Sport - Historie - Science - Géographie - Divertissement CRÉEZ VOTRE PROPRE ÉQUIPE ** Créez une équipe d'experts en culture générale et grimpez dans les classements. Graphismes 100% rénovés ** Profitez d'un environnement frais et coloré, avec des animations super amusantes! Nouvelles fonctionnalités: - Échangez des objets avec vos amis - Recueillez des personnages amusants - Profitez d'un environnement 100% renouvelé! - Gagnez des couronnes pour monter de niveau - Rejoignez une équipe ou en créez-en une nouvelle TRIVIA CRACK 2 COMPREND ÉGALEMENT: - Nouveaux duels. - Plus de 20 langues. - Progression de niveau. - Créez votre propre équipe. - Des centaines de milliers de questions. - Créez vos propres questions dans l’Usine à Questions. - Jouez aux Missions et gagnez des récompenses incroyables. - Tournez la Roue de la Fortune pour obtenir des récompenses quotidiennes. - Tic Tac Toe! Combinez ce jeu classique avec un jeu-questionnaire pour gagner des prix incroyables. - La Tirelire est une nouvelle fonctionnalité qui vous offre un paquet de lingots d'or qui sera généré à mesure que vous remportez des couronnes dans les différents modes de jeu. Qu’attendez vous? C'est gratuit! Téléchargez le jeu et entraînez vos méninges!
