Zombie Tsunami


Zombie Tsunami

Release Date:2013-09-10

Attack the city with zombies! Form the biggest horde by making people zombies.

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Zombie Tsunami Review

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Complete and professional reviews of the games are our top priority. All our writers are ready to fully immerse themselves in a game to be reviewed. A full dip takes 20 hours to play.

  • 10
  • 9.5
  • 9
  • 9.5
  • 9.5
  • 9

Concept 10/10

This is a parkour game, you will have a zombie from this game to start running travel, in addition, to avoid obstacles, jump over the cliff, to turn all the humans encountered in zombies, so as to strengthen their own team, only a large team can more easily invade the earth. Here players need to have enough zombies to overthrow cars, buses, tanks, etc., to strengthen the army.

Graphics 9.5/10

The game mainly adopts the animation style, which shows that the characters in the game are very cute and cute, and the players control the zombies all the way.

Sound 9/10

Music is very suitable for the picture effect, so that players can experience the feeling of zombies in the game.

Playability 9.5/10

This parkour game, as long as you have enough zombies, it is enough to make the legion strong, the control of the game is also very simple, players only need to click on the screen to make the zombies jump, the main task of the game is to avoid obstacles, expand their own number of zombies, collect coins, and so on.

Entertainment 9.5/10

Crazy carnivores bring fun to all families! Turn over the cars, buses, vehicles and tanks to eat the survivors inside.

Replay 9/10

This is not only a parkour game, but also a philosophical game that teaches people philosophy. This is why players keep playing this game.

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Zombie Tsunami
